We have seen Lily Allen with quite a few hairstyles over the couple of years that we have come to know and love her, from the really hideous to the really glamorous. The girl that was once famous for wearing sneakers with prom dresses in hit videos to her funky music, she has known grown into a young lady and with this comes a completely new look.
Lily Allen Latest Hairstyle

Lily Allen recently appeared in Toronto on MuchOnDemand with a hairstyle that was both pretty while still managing to maintain the funky edge that Lily has become quite famous for. Long bangs have appeared that were ever so slightly parted in the centre and the long, dark hair was pulled back into a loose pony tail that was worn just to one side of the head, proving that she has become much more than just a one hit wonder in the UK pop charts.
Lily Allen Latest Hair with Bangs

With a pretty black dress teamed with tights and just the right amount of glittering jewelry, Lily Allen has come into her own and is no longer known as the Comedienne and Actor’s daughter but now as a budding starlet with a music and fashion style all of her own. Gone is the once considered “Chav” bangs and “bling” and in comes a new Lily Allen.
Lily Allen Latest Hair

Thankfully this one suits her much better than the bleached blonde look that she sported just last year!
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