To get started making your natural hair care products, all you need to do is be a little creative. Do not try to mix too many things at one time; (you should limit to two until you figure out how the concoction works for you), and have fun while you do it. The products you will need are likely already in your kitchen or bathroom, so you will save money no matter how large your hair care budget may be.
When deciding what ingredients to use, keep this general rule of thumb in mind. If you can ingest it safely, you are safe to use it on your hair. These are ingredients like fruit, cider vinegar, honey, and even beer. You can experiment with essential oils for fragrance, but remember that a few drops will go a long way.
Mix and test your ingredients, being sure to take note of what worked well and what did not. Search around for recipes that are geared toward your specific purpose. If you need a clarifying formula, you are definitely going to want to use different ingredients than say a deep cleansing conditioner.
Any failures you experience will only bring you closer to the magic organic formula that you customized for your hair and rather than becoming upset at your “failure” realize that in setting out to create one thing, you may have created something even better! The worst that can happen when experimenting with all natural ingredients is that you will just have to wash your hair again.
When deciding what ingredients to use, keep this general rule of thumb in mind. If you can ingest it safely, you are safe to use it on your hair. These are ingredients like fruit, cider vinegar, honey, and even beer. You can experiment with essential oils for fragrance, but remember that a few drops will go a long way.

Any failures you experience will only bring you closer to the magic organic formula that you customized for your hair and rather than becoming upset at your “failure” realize that in setting out to create one thing, you may have created something even better! The worst that can happen when experimenting with all natural ingredients is that you will just have to wash your hair again.