SukmaAyu ( Jakarta, 10 November 1979–Bogor, 25 September 2004) is a actress come from Indonesia.
Woman which have father to of H.Misbach Yusa Biran and have mother to this Nani Wijaya is a pesinetron and sinetron which have stared of for example Fascinated, Seven Sign Love the, Genie And Jun and kecil -kecil Manten.
immoral Photo controversy
In the early 2004, circulating immoral photo of Sukma Ayu with the former its lover is Bjah. Although both parties deny the the photos authenticity, but evidence strengthen the the bahawa photos is genuiness. This occurence have time to be investigated by side police.

Unfinished of its immoral photo controversy, in April 2004, Soul Ayu experience of the comma after experiencing operation in RS Medistra. There is anticipation of malpraktik doctor in case of Soul ayu, although the anticipation argued by party of RS Medistra. After 5 month 16 day experience of the comma, SUkma Ayu pass away on 25 September 2004. In the year 2004, news of about Sukma Ayu predominate national news.