Zaskia Adya Mecca ( born in Jakarta, 8 September 1987; age 21 year) is characterization of sinetron and film star Indonesia.

Zaskia start career in world of entertainment amusement of moment Indonesia follow the ajang election Model my Closed friend 2001 and reach for the champion II. Successful that make it peeped at by a production house offering it become the supporter characterization in sinetron Houri stared by Marshanda.

Zaskia also have entered nomination as Best Actress Sinetron Woman in Cup Vidya ( FFI).

Personal life
Zaskia have expressed that he wish the young merried in age 20 year. But until its anniversary in September 2007 then, indication merried not yet also see. Previously Zaskia have ' almost' merried by Sahrul is Gunawan. After failing by Sahrul, Zaskia informed to braid the relation by Tommy is Kurniawan. But their relation end. In this time, Zaskia informed by close to man come from the Turki, Alaa Muthalib.

Zaskia start career in world of entertainment amusement of moment Indonesia follow the ajang election Model my Closed friend 2001 and reach for the champion II. Successful that make it peeped at by a production house offering it become the supporter characterization in sinetron Houri stared by Marshanda.

Name of Zaskia melejit of x'self moment star the sinetron of instruction of stage manager of Deddy Mizwar, Crack Of Doom Have Near by. In the sinetron, this cewek berdaran Sunda-Aceh is personating Sarah, a woman which is hence jilbab. So even also everyday life Zaskia is which always impose the cowl of since year 2005. Besides Doom Have the Near by, second child from seven have this you to also star some sinetron, for example, Love SMU, Habibi And Habibah, Age Of Puberty Hum, and Time Alley.

In the year 2007, Zaskia experience the wide syuting screen entitle the Kun Fayakun a film of religi of masterpiece of ustad Yusuf Mansyur. This Film is its plan of final dilaunching 2007. same in the year, Zaskia also play at in film of have theme to religi, Love Sentence, what lifted from novel entitle is same of composition of Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Film of Instruction of stage manager of this Indonesia Hanung Bramantyo is supported by Fedi Nuril as Fahri, Rianti Cartwright as Aisha, Zaskia Adya Mecca as Noura, and Melanie Putria as Nurul.

June Month;Moon 2007, Zaskia with artist of sinetron and presenter Meidiana Hutomo become the presenter and event filler in celebration of anniversary Jakarta in PRJ. They is contracted by one of the private bank in fatherland to bring the event ' talc show' concerning banking syari'ah.
Zaskia also have entered nomination as Best Actress Sinetron Woman in Cup Vidya ( FFI).

Personal life
Zaskia have expressed that he wish the young merried in age 20 year. But until its anniversary in September 2007 then, indication merried not yet also see. Previously Zaskia have ' almost' merried by Sahrul is Gunawan. After failing by Sahrul, Zaskia informed to braid the relation by Tommy is Kurniawan. But their relation end. In this time, Zaskia informed by close to man come from the Turki, Alaa Muthalib.