First some weekend training:
Saturday: 4 mile run @ 8:10 pace
Sunday: 30 minutes stair running, lots of pull-up work (flexed hang and negatives), planks, push-ups, dips (I'm on an arm toning mission which will be posted about soon!)
The only thing I have to say about the Oscar's is Yayyy Jack Kelly :)))
18 yr old Christian Bale was by far my biggest childhood crush
I could still watch this movie everyday, so so amazing :) and I think I need to put the soundtrack on my running playlist :D
He was looking a bit older than his 36 yrs last night though
The sexy accent makes up for it ;)
I saw this on Matty, Run, Run's blog and had to share because I'm obsessed with it:
located in Elda, Spain
My Playlist for yesterday's stairs, these 4 songs on repeat:
Cameras~ Matt and Kim - I think this one got like 3-4 plays
Club Can't Handle Me~ Flo Rida/ D Guetta
Born This Way~ Lady Gags
Love Like Woe~ The Ready Set- Was gonna stop running at 22 min, but this song x 2 got me to 30 :D
I have over 250 followers. Why are you all here? ;) Anyway thanks for putting up with my awful writing, I'm truly flattered :)
Blog things to come this week (hopefully):
Feb. recap/ March goals
Project Arms!
BBM #7
Cool Things that Need a Shout Out
Random things that take up space in my head and need to get out :)
Last: Today was/ is (maybe) gonna be long run (8-10) but it is pouring and thunder/lightning-ing. So I haven't decided yet if I will go long on the tread or push it till tomorrow. I may BodyRock and short tread today.
Have you seen the Newsies
I think it is impossible to have seen it and NOT be obsessed with it. I used to march around the playground (in 6th grade) singing all the songs and pretending I was a Newsie. I got one other girl and one boy to do it with me, but I think the boy only did it because he had a crush on the other girl.
Who were your childhood celeb crushes?
Besides Christian "Jack Kelly" Bale: Taylor Hanson and Erik Von Detten (From Disney's TV Skater Movie, Brink!)