Smadav Rev. 8.4 –Antivirus Smadav which has recently occupied the ranks as 10th best antivirus in the world. Antivirus smadav the latest release is able to compare with other antivirus, like AVG antivirus and antivirus kaspersky the center have the security level security and a reliable system. Advantages Smadav version 8.4 has many new features and improvements that are specific to local eradication of the virus. Among other features of Smad-Behavior that can identify new local virus that does not exist in database SmadAV of his behavior when infecting the system.
Other than that this new smadav also has the ability Smad-Ray that can scan automatically flash when installed within a maximum of 5 seconds. Even more impressive again in this latest SmadAV immunization flash (using autorun.inf folder) has been revised and previously there will be a confirmation so you can decide whether a flash is to dikebalkan or not. And with SmadAV rev 8.4 is more stable and highly recommended to be combined with international anti-virus because SmadAV can only handle a few new local virus.
This latest rev.8 SmadAV also mepercantik view for users to be more userfriendly. Due to the considered views of the old SmadAV users still too large and not suitable for some users in Mini Laptops / Netbooks. In Rev. 7 at this time the display is smaller SmadAV and SmadAV can adjust its size to be a mini when used in netbooks, thus enabling the user to be able to access any antivirus features smadav without using the scroll.
Here's a comparison of results SmadAV Free & Pro, which is on the donation tab has now added a comparison table SmadAV Free & Pro. You can click on the lines on this chart to find out the advantages SmadAV Pro compared SmadAV Free. However, antivirus smadav recommend using smadav pro, so all features in smadav 8 is able to get more leverage.
Download Smadav 8.6 now