Ever since I was younger, I’ve had this strange fascination with Japanese fashion. Whether it be completely out there and J-rock (hey, that was a long time ago!) or completely elegant and Kabuki, I’ve always understood the Japanese nation to be incredibly creative and fashion-savvy in every setting and context.
One of my favorites is the Japanese fashion bible, FRUiTS, which features some of the best creative self-stylers from the heart of Harajuku and beyond. The street style mag is easily attainable at any Japanese bookstore, but ever since I moved to Davis to pursue my studies I’ve had to go without. And that was that.
Could I finally enjoy the uber-juicy Fruits once again? Yes, and so can you! A few of my favorite looks--

If you're new to Japanese street fashion, I'd also highly recommend checking out Gothic & Lolita Bible created by none other than J-Rock God/dess, Mana. Like FRUiTs, Gothic & Lolita Bible shows Victorian-inspired Lolita looks ranging from classic and sweet to gothic and punk. Available in Japanese and now English (as of 2008), it also features some great DIY projects and some interesting articles.
Unique in everyway, Japanese subculture fashion is always spot on.
Check out these rockin' Rockabilly kids--