~Melissa and Amanda both rocked the burpees videos yesterday (and they both kick my bootay with their burpees) Awesome girls :D Tri-James also kicked trash. . . 43!!!
~ Austin (or Matt? Scott?)@ Enjoy the Ride is giving away some cool tri bike gear for newbies (first come, first serve!)
~ Through Austin's blog I found amazing triathlete Tawnee's blog. I love her philosophy on combining strength training and endurance training
~ On the topic of strength/resistance training, RunnerDude has a GREAT core workout video on his blog today!
~ The famous Fitnessista posted a link about nominating health/fitness blogs for Women's Health Blogs We Love. So if you have the time and want to give me a little blog love (and you think I'm deserving), I'd be very grateful if you'd nominated me. Let me know if you want a nom as well :)
That's all I can recall right now (wanted to get this up quick so my readers could have a chance at Austin's giveaway) if I remember something else in a bit I'll add it :)