Saturday, February 19, 2011

Last Chance

. . . to getchurrr BURPEE on for Running Man Wannabe's (and partially mine too) contest!!!!

GET IT DONE :D Seriously, there are prizes (Amazon gift cards!! Chances are really good right now :D)  Even if you can only do 1 burpee in 2 minutes, you're in!

   I'm at 23 and getting in my last effort tomorrow (w/ video).  I'm sure some of you can crush that (no video needed just report your results).  My first two efforts can be seen here.

   Besides the prizes, I 'm pretty sure adding burpees has made me a hell of a lot faster, WORK those legs muskles!

In other news, this kid:

is a good luck charm

    I'm pretty positive The Islanders have only one won like 2 games all season.  And he was at both.


got a puck from Di P at his first ever game

I think his favorite part tonight may have been the Gourmet Cupcakes:

regardless. . . a good  GREAT time was had by all :)

Now really I need to cut out the booze for the next few days. Help.

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