As for my knee, felt it in the beginning again, went away before I finished mile 1 and never came back. It is weird that it has switched from starting after mile 1 and not going away, to starting before mile 1 and then going away. On the whole though it feels much better then it did a few weeks ago; when I was taking days off to rest it I felt it more throughout the day and while sleeping/lying in bed. When I run everyday it actually feels better during the day and while sleeping , strange?
Okay on to what made my run such fun :) My Friend posted this video to their FB wall yesterday and I am officially obsessed:
Neon Blonde Runner is that you? ;)
If you despise techno/dance music watch it on mute :D
I pumped myself up for the run by doing this:
It's okay to be jealous of my rockstar dance moves, if you want I will teach you :D
So I pretty much listened to that song on repeat for 9 miles. I did mix it up a little bit in the beginning because I thought one song for 9 miles might be overkill, but eventually I just gave in to my dance party desires and it made my run that much better.
The best part though was the rain ☂ It started slowly around miles 4/5 and then down poured through miles 6-8 which ended up being the best part of the run. Mile 7 was my fastest, it was also when I ran past the college in bucket-esque rain, everyone stared at me like I was crazy and I couldn't stop smiling while rocking out in my head. The whole last 3 miles I couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, it can be hard to get yourself out the door when it's raining, but once you get out there and run in it you realize how much fun it is :D (Beth you were right!)
Also what made it awe-some was that I did not have a set course I just ran around my town turning wherever I pleased. (BIG perk of the Garmin :)
Drowned Rat:
Goals for the week: I'm not feeling hardcore goals this week, pretty much keep up with what I have been doing lately (exercise, diet, career [future], family wise) and go for 10-11 next Tuesday (the day before we leave for The Dis :D)