Monday, April 11, 2011

Sub-20: Game On!

June 5th it's going down :D

    As I was emptying Nolan's school folder this morning I found a 5k race flyer, the race is in memory of one of our school district's assistant superintendents who passed away suddenly last year.  I remember a few years ago when I started subbing in the district he conducted my interview.  I was crazy nervous bc it was my first job interview ever, but he put me at ease telling me I pretty much had the job so let's just do some interview practice for the future.  I will always remember him as the man who helped me get through my first interview alive :)

      I knew as soon as I started reading the flyer that this 5k would be my first serious attempt at sub-20. The race begins and ends on my old HS track and the rest of the race is run on the surrounding roads that I ran so often 10 years ago.  I can feel the excitement building and in my head I've been putting together a little game plan.  I thought about it the whole way through my easy 3 miler this morning.  There are no specifics yet but it goes a little something like this:

    ~ Focus on getting some milage the next 2-3 weeks so I can get through my first half and hopefully run around 1:45 (my little knee issue kinda caused a hiccup in my training, but I do think 1:45 is still a possibility).  I'm going to have to make sure I get training in while at Disney, there is a 1 mile jogging trail on our  hotel grounds, does anyone have tips on running around Disney?  I'm not planning on a taper since I haven't put in crazy mileage.

    ~ After my half I have about a month till the race and I am going to focus on getting quality speed work in.  Sub-20 is equal to 6:25 pace. There will definitely be some LOTS of 400, 800, Mile repeats involved.  I have almost exactly 1 minute to shave off; it won't be easy but it will be worth it :)

  Prior to finding out about this 5k my sub 20 sights were set on my June 26th Firecracker 5k race.  I've ran the firecracker a few times over the past years, but I hadn't been training and racing like I am now.  Usually a bunch my coworkers from Tobay run it, it's an annual tradition.  This year I've been planning to break 20 in it , so if I don't get it on June 5th I have this race to try for it again annddd if I DO break it on June 5th. . . well I'll just have to do it again and better it!!

   Okay enough talking about it, the plan is going into action and it will be done :D  

Weekly goal review 4/3-4/10:

 ~ Attempt a 9 mile run Nope still taking things cautiously, but I've scheduled a 9-er for tomorrow
  ~ 4 mile race on Sunday Goal: Sub 28 (sub 7 pace) Very close! I consider yesterday more of a tempo run than a race.  I didn't get the gut busting feeling I get when I race all out.
  ~ Schedule ACE test for May Checked out test dates, only need to schedule 15 days in advance, once I find out when my brother is coming home from college I'll schedule (I need him to put Nol on the bus the morning of)
  ~ Prepare for Disney in 2 weeks :) Started, minor prep. . .but started :)
  ~  Nighttime Abs & Arms at least 5 nights  Mmmhhmm I'm a rock star with this one, feels good.
  ~ Track my workouts on DW page Well I wasn't and then I added my workouts for past 2 days, so I'm going to try my best to stick with it.   

Running out of time today, new week goals tomorrow.

  Also question: The only thing that is sore today is the back of my knee, I don't usually feel sore back there so possibly it is related to my knee issue? Suggestions?

One more pic from yesterday:
Sad to say this is one of my better race pics.  
Gosh my arm positioning is awful when I sprint.

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