Have you heard of the golden ratio?
This is the proportion of the human geometric facial structure adding up to 1.61803399.
When you look at a person and find them attractive, then you are most probably right...they are, but why? Sure, personal preference plays a big factor as to what color the eyes should be or what height a person should be. But WHY you are attracted to that particular person (no matter what race) could be that their face is geometrically symmetric. It is said that it is in the symmetry of once face that "determines" how attractive you are.
There are a few who have scored near-perfect to perfect in terms of the ratio of the face. Famous celebrities Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and Brad Pitt are a few of those have come out with a new-perfect 10 on their geometric facial structure.
Just for Fun!
Would you like to see how your facial structure scores against the golden ratio?
Try this site
Have fun!~
And remember, everyone is perfect in their own way~
~ Krisan