Two 8 hr days in the sun (and some sunburn) + No Sugar + Intense workouts (hello 550 rep workout and 400 meter repeats) = Exhausted Me
But don't worry I am taking it real easy the next 4 days and then Sunday is my race. I ran an easy shake out 1.5 miles today and I've imposed a no bodyrock rule till after Sunday. Dales is doing today's Amazing Ab workout in front of me right now and it's killiingg me not to join her (sidenote: she lost 4lbs this week, you rock Dales, I'm so proud of your bodyrocking :D).
Day 9 10 of no sugar and refined carbs, and not a slip up yet. Amanda's Sugar Free Challenge starts today and there are over 80 participants! Awesome.
I realized this weekend that if I'm going to stick to this sugar free thing for a prolonged period of time I need to bring A LOT of food to the beach. I get so hungry the last 2 hours and this wknd I was so hungry at the end of the day that I was tempted to eat anything. On the whole I feel like I've been eating a lot, but I'm always hungry and I'm losing weight. I was stuck going between 122-124 and I am now at 119.5. Pretty much right where I want to be, I'll see if I can get 116-118, but I don't want to go lower than that.
I did feel really confident at the beach this weekend, I think it's the least self conscious I've ever felt in a bikini. That was pretty much the mission when I started this blog; to work hard all fall/winter/spring so that I could feel great come summer. Success :D
I have to laugh a little when I see this search term in my traffic sources: "How to get bikini ready in 2 weeks" Sorry I can't help you there, unless you are super close to where you want to be already I don't think anyone can tell you how to do that. My blanket advice: Start eating right and working out now, don't do anything drastic (aka: starve), stick with it. Maybe in 2 weeks you will see some progress, in a few months you will see more.
I forgot to take pics this wknd but my sis took this pic of Nollie and his cousins. . . and my co-worker adjusting himself in the background.
Posting (and commenting) will most likely be light the next 2 weeks because my ACE cert test is June 13th and studying/passing that kinda takes precedent over bloggy things.
And then I start full time beach June 17th so who knows it may stay light, or maybe just picture heavy. There will be lots of fun races to report on though :)
I started reading this lovely book
It's not required reading for the test but I figured I should learn as much of this stuff as I can.
So far I'm finding it very interesting.
I really wish I had gotten my degree in Exercise Science :(
I also discovered the anatomy arcade yesterday and rocked some poke-a-muscle. If you are trying to learn the muscles of the body I highly suggest it, fun and educational all in one :D