Emos are known for their hair. Some people consider it extremely attractive. Others think it’s downright ridiculous. However, you may be wondering—how do you get an emo haircut?
Emo Hair For Boys 2011

First of all, bangs are pretty important as far as emo haircuts go. Most people have long, sideswept bangs. Sometimes these bangs don’t even have a part and they just circle around the whole thing. Other times, there is a noticeable part. It’s entirely up to the person who has the cut what they do with it.
Emo Hair For Boys 2011

Then there is the hair itself. Most of the time the hair is longer, kind of shaggy and messy. Think Harry Potter without a haircut.
Emo Hair For Boys 2011

On the other hand, there are also those who go for a more jagged style. In that case, the back of their hair is not cropped, but significantly shorter than the rest. They may then spike it or otherwise style it.
Emo Hair For Boys 2011

The style depends primarily on the person. Keep in mind that some haircuts are definitely higher maintenance than others. This means that if you decide to get a haircut, make sure that you are willing to take good care of it.
Emo Hair For Boys 2011

Also remember to take care of your hair. This means that if you want to have a super awesome mohawk and dye your hair rainbow colors that you are willing to take the time to style it and take the time to get the right shampoo to keep it from fading quickly.