Sunday, February 13, 2011

400's are Puktastic

       To be honest I was ready to push my scheduled 400's workout to tomorrow.  With the wind chill today it was not nearly as warm as I thought it was going to be and tomorrow is supposed to be a full 10° warmer (although still windy.)  Then I started feeling guilty, not about putting them off, but about how much money I spent this weekend while my friend was here.  Shopping was involved and Spring/ Summer clothes were calling my name.  So I picked up a sub job for tomorrow to counteract my retail therapy.

     And I realized that if I was subbing tomorrow, 400's were most likely not going to get done.  I though about my post on putting in the effort needed to reach our goals.  I really needed to get this workout in if I want a chance at running my goal time in 11 days. 

    Let me add that throughout my HS/ College running career, 400 meter repeats have always been my most hated workout.  I was a good distance runner, but in the short stuff I was super slow.  It was a running joke that I was going to be placed our school's championship winning 4X2 and 4X4 relay teams :D

400's are extremely easy to put off when you don't  have a coach making you run them.

   But. . . I did 'em.  I didn't get to the track; I measured out 400 meters on a quiet road by me.

1- 86 (5:46 pace)
2- 87 (5:50)
3- 87
4- 86
5- 90 (6:00)
6- 85 (5:41)

# 1, 3, 5 were harder bc they were against the wind.  2-ish minute rest between each repeat.

  I had thought about doing 8, but at the end of 6, breakfast, lunch and last nights dinner were residing on the road.  I forgot how much they suck.

   It was definitely good to feel this pace; to go sub-11 in a 3k I have to run 5:53 pace or under, busting my 11:13 PR will take a sub 6:01 pace.  My legs felt strong during these repeats, my stomach was another story.  The plan is to get an 800 meter workout in during this week and one more shorter faster workout (maybe a reverse ladder: 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400) before the 24th.

    Reminder: Getchurrr Burpee On!!  There is only 3 days left in the  Burpee Contest! It's extended till Feb. 20th AND there are Amazon gift cards on the line :D

Kovas, Patrick and Mr. Manly where are your videos??   Even if you have to take breaks during the 2 mins, you should still attempt it, they are so beneficial.  I'm at 23 right now, but I'm gonna give it one more go and try to get 25-30.

. . .and if your feeling adventurous try Zuzana's new 400 rep workout which involves 10 different burpee variations (side burpees, one legged burpees, frog burpees :D)

It might just get you abs like this:

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