Friday, February 11, 2011

Mood Busted

       Yayy it's Friday and my usual Friday workout is just what I needed today.  Can you guess. . .


If you are new here you can read about my stair running obsession here.

      Today I did something extra while I was up at the school for my workout (I use a local college staircase).  Something that made me smile and hopefully will make others smile.

I stumbled upon the Operation Beautiful Site a while ago and thought it was pretty darn amazing.   

So today I did a little of this:

Pre Workout

Post Workout: Checking out how it was holding up :D

   I remember how low my self esteem was my first two years of college so I figured it was the perfect place for this little message :)  I think I'm gonna continue posting these awesome notes, it made me very happy (especially to think it might make some one else feel good when they see it) :D

  After my stairs I did an easy cool down jog of 2.5 miles, outside which was very nice. A bit cold still but the sun was shining and I ran sans music.  I definitely needed some sun and some fresh air.

   And the best news of all, my best friend is coming over tomorrow and staying through Sunday!  Sunday is supposed to be in the 40's so we may head to a local track and throw down some killer 400s ;)  


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