Thursday, February 17, 2011

Three Things Thursday

     1)  You may recall that a few weeks ago I had The 5th Grade Class from (they are kids so I'll put it nicely) The Black Lagoon.  After two days in that class I pretty much threw in the towel on subbing.

  How one of the boys from that class greeted me as soon as he walked in:

                    "HI MRS. HUMAN RESOURSES LADY" X 5

   Who can name that totally inappropriate for a 5th grader movie?


I just realized that line was from this movie while watching it over the weekend, nonetheless I knew when he walked in yelling it at me. . .

It was going to be a bad day.

Skip to. . .

    Yesterday was my first day subbing again since then (I had said I was subbing Monday, but I messed the date up, it's  March 14th).  As I said, I over-shopped this weekend (Spring! Summer! Clothes& Bikinis :D) and felt the need to counteract some of it.

  One of the first things I heard yesterday morning:
"You are bootiful"

 I knew it was going to be a good day. . . and it absolutely was :)

    2)  It was such a great day that I actually  did a little workout of push-ups, planks and plank-ups on the reading rug while the class was in Music.  I had Pandora playing on my phone and this Jack song came on:

The whole situation made me very happy :)

The rest of yesterday's training was an easy 3-miler on The Mill in 26 ish.

     3) One week till race time, I'm getting some serious nerves and doubts :?  Even though the 3k was  considered a "distance" race in HS, it's pretty much an 11 minute sprint from start to finish. 

      50-55° for  today and tomorrow, definitely getting an 800  repeat track workout in sometime over the next 2 days.  If I can hit some solid half-mile times I should be feeling more confident, on the flipside if I crash and burn on the 8's. . . :/

    Do you have any exciting races coming up now that it is starting to thaw out?

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