Friday, April 1, 2011

Bikini Body Move #8~ Negative Pull-Ups

 Today I did something that I never thought I would work up the courage to do :D
       I talked on camera and I'm showing it to the world!!
     I don't think I can accurately describe how monumental this is in my little world.  I cringe at the thought of hearing my own voice, let alone taping myself talk and then listening back.  But I've wanted to add some intros and descriptions to these video so I've been taping myself every once in while to get used to hearing myself and get over my fear.  It worked :D  Let's Celebrate!! Blogging has truly been a huge boost to my confidence.

  Okay onto the actual move, let's see the video first: 
  That lovely pile behind me (I mostly cropped it out) is all the coats/ sweatshirts I pulled off the rack in order to get a clear shot of the pull-up bar.  Can't those go away yet :/

    As described in the video:
    ~Get to the top position of a pull-up (or chin-up as I'm doing) anyway you need to.  If you are just beginning you can use a chair to get to flexed arm hang position, or if you can get up there with a jump you can do it that way.
     ~Once in flexed hang position, slowly lower yourself back to dead hang.  Keep it as controlled as possible and try to keep it that like that all the way to dead hang.  The end is tough and I'm working on not dropping out in the bottom position.

Why this move rocks!
  Since the beginning of this blog I've been working towards getting the elusive *first* pull-up and it is not coming easy.  It is putting up a big fight, but I'm knocking it down little by little and victory will be mine :D

    In researching and asking those who CAN do a pull-up, "How do I do it!?!?,"   the negative pull-up has always been at the top of the list.  So if a pull-up/chin-up is one of your goals this exercise is for you!  And even if you don't necessarily have the desire to do a pull-up, this move will help strengthen your arms in the same manner pull-ups do.

  You can work these in by adding 3-4 negatives, 2-3 days a week and working up to a few more reps as you get stronger.  Try for a 5 second count on the lower, if you can't get that yet just work towards it.  Make sure to take a rest day in between to recover.  

    Gahh here goes publish, please don't make fun of my awkwardness ;)  In Serious though, people have made fun of my voice before :(, but also a 3rd grader told me it was cool a few weeks ago :D


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