" At 15 she became a bride,
at 19 she became a queen,
at 20 she became a legend."
When it comes to fashion icons of the more periodic eras I would have to go for Marie Antoinette. Yes, she may have been more popularly known as the 'Queen of Excess', but she was fabulous nonetheless.
I recall lace, silk ribbons and light fanciful colors when I think about Versailles. With France having a fashion capital of its own in the present time, I would not be surprised if the ladies of the court and the queen were the fashion trendsetters at the time. The teen queen did start the period trend of wearing one's hair high.
Sofia Coppola's 'Marie Antoinette' came as a period film with modern influences, especially in terms of music and photography, but the costumes that the queen had to wear was eye candy. I adored every single outfit she had worn, and even the costumes of the maids and her ladies-in -waiting were perfect. It was really easy to watch the movie, party because the costumes were easy on the eyes.
The colors that dominated the outfits Marie Antoinette wore were more of the pastels and brights. It was very reflective of her personality, which was one of a young girlish queen. Of course as she got older, the colors and style muted down but the 'label' of excess was not completely left out.
The hair and make-up were all very similar, powdered coifed hair that may be curled or pinned up, then the pale powdered faces and the rouge cheeks and lips. All very parisian. In Marie and her ladies' case, it was more of the blushing young girls who look like sweet desserts.
The other characters' costumes, like the queen's, were matched with their personalities as well. Du Barry, the king's mistress, was garbed in exotic cloths and rich dark brocade and velvets as she was someone who was not of the Versaille world to begin with. The Duchess de Polignac was a very boisterious and fun-loving character that her clothing were of unusual mixes that had shapes that showed off her womanly figure. She would always exude a certain sensuality. The Princesse Lambelle was a quiet type and more of her outfits were of the simple and cool tones and did not contrast like her other colleagues. She, on the other hand, exuded innocence. And Marie? She fell in between the two of them.
Colors and style varied between countries as seen between Austria and France. Austrians were less uptight in terms of dressing and rituals. Their preference in style would be of an understated elegance that still held a certain humility. Colors were more washed out.
The French were more obsessive in terms of dress. Their would have their hair meticulously arranged, wore rouge on their faces and would be very meticulous with what kind of dresses they wore. It was not evident only in the women, but the men as well. Colors were more alive and had more variation with patterns and textures. Oh, did I mention that they powdered their hair white? Yes, it was the trend then.
The hierarchy was evident in the clothing of both countries ,and one could easily tell the difference between a noble to a soilder to a servant.

Marie Antoinette still an Austrian Princess

A printed ensemble with contrasting red gloves

Already a young queen
Her White Cream Beaded Coronation Dress
Her arrival in France in a powder blue ensemble with a matching had and ribbon choker
Count Ferson and Marie
On their way to the masked ball, Marie in a black ballgown
King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Marie with the court children, even their costumes are adorable
Princesse Lamballe, in a buttercream gown and a matching hat
Princesse Lamballe's Costume in salmon, old rose and luxurious white fur
Duchess de Polignac,
in a summer ensemble
King Louis XVI and his queen with the Duchess de Polignac
At Marie's retreat house with her ladies in waiting
In blush pinks and flowers as they welcome the soldiers from America
Marie Antoinette with her ladies-in-waiting, all their dresses remind me of delicous pastries
Marie Antoinette and the royal courtiers,
all their dresses are divine
Princesse Lamballe, Marie Antoinette and the Duchess de Polignac, see the difference in their clothing preferences
Marie's dress here looks like cotton candy
Princesse Lamballe, Marie Antoinette and the Comtesse de Noailles. Lamballe and the Comtesse's dresses should not be forgotten, for each one has it own charm.
Masked Ball. Marie's dress is black and beaded and she matched her husband's gold and black clothing. Duchess de Polignac wears emerald green and exotic peacock feathers in her hair, while Princesse Lamballe (not clearly seen) is in a pink and white ribboned ensemble. The two other men are dressed in a deep red and black respectively.
Madame Du Barry and her entourage, her clothing is always "noveau riche" in a sense. Her entourage dresses in a similar flamboyant way as well.
Welcoming the Princess Marie from Austria
Comtesse de Noailles, simple and very put together
All the accessories used in the film were extravagant and so delicate as well. The scene where they were shopping for shoes and jewelries was like a shopping fantasy for women. Most of the jewelries and accessories worn would never be used twice, and each detail was thought out as a whole. From Lamballe's hats to Marie's gloves and to Du Barry's lingerie. My hat's off to Milena Canonero for designing all the wonderful costumes, the Academy Award and BAFTA Nomination is definitely well-deserved.
I found myself giggling after hearing Marie say her shoes were made by Christian. One of the most famous French shoe designers today is Christian Louboutin and I just made a connection with that. It was interesting though.
I've always interested in the whole idea of Marie Antoinette. Maybe i could do a collection on her or create make up concepts. At the end of the day she will always be one of my sources of inspiration.

I love this scene~ the feather, the fan and the stockings are so cute!
~ Krisan
Note: None of the images belong to me.