Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March Goals and Project Arms

March Goals:
~ I found a 5k for March 12th (11 days!).  1st goal: Sub 21:52  2nd goal: Sub 21  I'm feeling really confident about this one :D

~ Increase my mileage by at least 10 over February's total of 67

~ Get on my bike!!!

~ Get in the pool more!

~ Keep studying for the ACE, I kinda slacked on this in Feb.  (Also congrats Keri on passing the ACE Exam :D)

~ Still going for 30 push-ups

~118 or bust  (I know weight is a touchy subject [for women], I'll elaborate in a later post why I'm aiming for 115-118)

~Just all around Kick-Ass in everything :D

and I plan to keep my Daily Workout page updated, yell at me if I slack off!! :D


   Big BIG focus on toning my arms this month.  They have always been a problem area for me.  Especially my Triceps; there was actually a boy in HS who thought it was fun to grab the back of my arms : /

Exhibit A:
Nolan and I in St. Augustine FL last March

Even though I LOVE this picture of me and Nol, there is a part of me that can't see past my arms looking like that from the back.

And I know I can do something about it.

It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it.

Part of it is I need to lose some excess body fat (hence 118) and part of it is I need to build some serious tricep muscles.

Push-up and Pull-up work have not been enough and I've slacked on the tri dips, but they are coming back BIG time; along with isolated arm moves with my 20lb and 15 lb KBs.  More swimming should contribute somewhat?  and imma keep on keeping on with the BodyRock.

I will take any advice I can get on how to target the back of my arms?!

Also feel free to join me, tank top season is coming!!  Maybe I will set up a weekly (or bi-weekly) check in for anyone who wants to work on this with me.  And I'll post some moves we can add each week. 

 This week I'm going to be making sure to get my tri-dips in. (My demo here
I also have a combo arm/ab move I plan to tape this week.

I totally rocked the arm and Ab work yesterday, LOTS of dips, push-ups, planks, arm hangs, crazy Zuz moves.  I feel great this morning.  A month of this and I'll feel like a rockstar.

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