So of course when I was in contact with Devon from OutsidePR about reviewing Ryders Sunnies I was super beyond psyched :D
The last decent sunglasses I invested in now look like this:
Two summers ago I came home from a night out, my parents had been babysitting Nolster, and found my Hobies in 3 pieces on top of my backpack. I didn't even ask questions, I didn't want to sound ungrateful after they volunteered to watch him.
Since the I've been wearing a variety of $5 sunglasses that are probably not doing any favors for my precious eyes. My faves last year were gas station Wayfarer knockoffs with neon orange arms (as seen here
). They were cool for like a day and then I started hearing, "you're really gonna keep rocking those everyday, hunhh."
Enter Ryders to save me from the ridicule of my coworkers this summer!!
(Ok let's face it they will probably find a way to make fun of me anyway)
I picked out 2 pairs of sunglasses, one for me and one for Matt (I had to convince him that there is some benefit to me posting bikini pics online ;) And I was also sent another pair straight from Chris at Ryders for leaving a comment on their FB wall, what nice people over at Ryders!! I still had a hard time narrowing down which ones I wanted, they have so many cute styles.
First Pair I chose:
I love me some huge movie star sunglasses
Plus they make me look about 70x cooler than I really am:
Matt refuses to model for my blog so I will just say he looks crazy hot in these:
. . . and I think this color will look even sweeter (than they already do) on him once he's rocking a summer tan :D
Last Pair:
I LOVE the Blue and White (and black speckles!) aspect of these, so much fun!
Note to Ryders: I am available for modeling :)
Things I love about these glasses
~ The curve in the arm (is that what it's called?) so they fit nicely to your head. (It's really embarrassing when you look down and your sunglasses fall off your face. . . and off the stand. . . 8 feet down into the sand. Not that I've ever had to say, "excuse me sir over there, could you please hand me my sunglasses.")
~ All the awesome colors; the blue fades are so vibrant :D
~ Great price for the quality
~ Some styles come with polarized lens (Makes watching the water a lot easier)
~ Variety of styles to suit everyone's tastes and needs (performance, fun, saving lives, lookin' good :D) My next pair will be these:
My one suggestion to Ryders: Maybe more pics of the glasses, or someone modeling them (hint, hint ;). It can be hard to pick out glasses online without seeing them in person/trying them on, more pics would help :)
I am giving away one pair of Ryders Sunglasses. Any style you like in the $40 range (which is any style with essential lenses).
You do not need to follow to enter. If you like what I post follow; if you don't, you're not obligated :)
What you can do:
~ Leave a comment saying you want in (and how great I am ;) [or not]) +1
~ Check out Ryders site and tell me what you want to rock this summer! +1
~ Like Ryders on FB and tell them I sent you :) +1 for each (They do giveaways on FB sometimes, so definitely a good page to like)
~ Blog, FB, Tweet it +1 for each
7 ways to enter, leave a separate comment for each. Make sure to leave an Email Addy if not in your profile. Ends Friday 4/1 at Midnight.