I was looking around google and I had to get a photo from my blog, I figured that it would pop up in google images so I searched for it there. I found my image, a photo from a collection I did for a project, and to my surprise I found it on a different site.
My brain imploded for a second and I wanted to find out why this site had my post. I looked around the site and found that it had more than one post coming from my site~ AND was posted a few months after I had originally posted it. I've heard this happening to a few of my other friends (and fellow bloggers).
So i seeked for help and now I would like to show you all what I had discovered today.

This picture has my blog (upper left) and the other blog (lower right) , side by side. The blog post content is the same, even the content and so forth. Take note (although the picture doesn't show it clearly), the date this post was made by me was in March29 2011, and this other blogger posted it July 5, 2011.

I put my name at the end of each post to signify that it is indeed mine, this is screen cap is taken from his site. It has my name at the end.

This is a screen cap of the archive list~ its exactly the same blogs that I posted when i was a newbie here a few months ago. From the way it is titled, to the content...its exactly the same.

This is the site that is copying content from my blog~ SAME POSTS BUT ITS NOT ME! I don't even have ads up yet~ He's making money out of bunch of my posts, perhaps some other bloggers' posts as well
Check the other blogger's site
Please whoever you are, stop taking the content of my blog.
And other people's blog.
It's just not nice.
~ Krisan